February 28, 2020

A Look A Life Legacy

​Have you ever had that experience at a funeral where a friend of the deceased gets up to talk about their most loved memories of their friend and that person’s family is surprised to hear all about the impact their loved one has had on others and they were completely unaware?For most of us, our […]

​Have you ever had that experience at a funeral where a friend of the deceased gets up to talk about their most loved memories of their friend and that person’s family is surprised to hear all about the impact their loved one has had on others and they were completely unaware?

For most of us, our thoughts about legacy have not been something we have been consciously talking about in school, even growing up or in our workplaces. But it’s something we might ponder when we are in a quiet space or on holidays or at rest, when the day to day is far away and we forget about our current reality and think about what we thought our lives would be, the dreams we have had and things that are really important to us. We might be jolted to think about it if we experience a sudden life event of illness, the death of a loved one or something that all of sudden brings unexpected change into our lives.

And whilst some of us are have not yet  engaged with the concept of legacy or perhaps don’t feel like it’s important to us right now, perhaps we’ll think about when we are older,

In January 2016, I had the pleasure of meeting a fellow coach Dr. Ray Charles, CEO Leading From Within and author of ‘What’s In Your S.H.O.E?’ and we instantly connected on the subject on ‘what is your legacy?’ On a regular basis, we continued to deep dive and foster our curiosity on what it means to ‘live your legacy, rather than just leave one.’

We felt like we have just scratched the surface and I honor Ray and our conversations and enjoyed them immensely

15 Thought Starters

Here are some thoughts and opinions about what it might mean for something you are about to or have done already, to become part of your life’s legacy - you can substitute the word ‘legacy’ for a term that connects with you, where it be life assignment, passion, purpose, calling, contribution or soul’s divine assignment etc.

  1. ​    Your legacy could be about how you paid it forward or in fact, gave it back with gratitude on all that you had received in your lifetime
  2. Your legacy could be about creating something of wealth and leaving a financial inheritance for future generations, along with the wisdom that you have over your lifetime.
  3. Your legacy could be about doing something in this lifetime, that will make it easier for future generations, solving an issue, campaigning for a cause.
  4. ​Your legacy could be about living responsibly and doing your bit to look after our planet and leave your corner in good shape
  5. Your legacy could be to inspire others, people you may never get to meet face to face, but putting your mark out into the world, whether that be by music, art, words, speech, video and sharing what you know.
  6. Your legacy could be living the most authentic life that you can and being a role model for those around you.
  7. Your legacy could be celebrating your uniqueness and your diversity and being a pillar of acceptance and tolerance of everyone.
  8. Your legacy could be about giving a voice to your DNA - only you can be you. Another to consider it may be as your ‘soul’s purpose’.
  9. Your legacy could be your total life’s work or it may be just one thing you did in your lifetime.
  10. Your legacy could be having been a good parent and raising healthy and happy children in a loving environment.
  11. Your legacy has nothing to with your age, wealth, experience or scale.
  12. Your legacy could be played as a comparison game with others, or it could be your own inner journeys to find your unique path and contribution.
  13. A legacy project can be local or global, personal or business.
  14. Your legacy could start at a young age or kick in later in life. It will never be too late to start living a life of purpose and contribution.
  15. Your legacy could be individual or it may be part of collective - communities, projects and businesses create legacies too.


As seen on Medium @alifowler